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Welcome to the Prompt Evaluation subforum!

This subforum is all about discussing techniques for evaluating the quality of prompts and their impact on the outputs of AI models. As we know, prompts play a critical role in generating creative outputs from AI models, and understanding how to craft effective prompts can make all the difference in the quality of those outputs.

Here, you'll find discussions on various techniques for evaluating prompts, from quantitative metrics to more subjective methods like human evaluation. We encourage you to share your own experiences and insights on what makes a great prompt, as well as ask questions and seek feedback from our community of experts.

To ensure a positive and productive environment, we ask that all members adhere to our community guidelines. Please be respectful, helpful, and mindful of others' opinions. And remember, the more you contribute to the community, the more you'll get out of it.

Thank you for joining our community, and we look forward to discussing the art and science of prompt evaluation with you!