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Welcome to the Scientific Prompts subforum of, where we focus on prompt writing techniques for scientific applications of AI.

In this subforum, we explore how prompt writing can be used to solve complex scientific problems, such as drug discovery, protein folding, and climate modeling. Members are encouraged to share their knowledge and experiences on how to write prompts that generate accurate and reliable outputs for scientific AI applications.

Whether you are a scientist, a researcher, or a machine learning engineer, this subforum is a space for you to learn and share how prompt writing can be applied to various scientific use cases. Share your experiences and insights on how to approach prompt writing for scientific AI applications.

Members are also encouraged to showcase their own scientific prompts and the positive impact they generated on their respective research fields. This subforum is a platform for you to exchange ideas and learn from each other, while also making breakthroughs in scientific research through AI.

Let's work together to enhance our understanding of prompt writing for scientific applications of AI and create more accurate and reliable outputs for scientific research. Join the conversation and contribute to the community's collective knowledge on how to write effective prompts that drive scientific progress.